Sunday, 30 August 2015

My August Highlights

Whenever I do posts like these it makes me realise just how fast time goes by. Are we seriously nearly in September?? Crazy. Although, having said that, I'm really looking forward to Autumn and Winter (even though we've practically endured autumnal weather all summer here in the UK, but I digress). August has been a really crazy and special month for me so I thought I would share my highlights.

1. Getting into University

If you're not from the UK it was A Level results day on Thursday 13th August which meant thousands of Year 13 students across the country were not only getting their A Level results but were also finding out if they had got into their University of choice. As soon as UCAS went live on Thursday morning I logged on to see that I had been accepted by my University to study the course I wanted and I have never been so relieved and happy in my entire life. I cannot tell you how stressed and worried I was for months leading up to results day and I am so glad all that hard work and worry paid off! Not only did I get into my University of choice, but my best friend also got accepted too which is amazing as, come September, we will be starting University together and I could not be happier. 

2. Results Day Celebrations

As soon as Kim and I knew we were going to the same University we were ready to celebrate. We have a results day tradition - after we have been to school to collect our results, we head into town for a Costa and a massive splurge on makeup and other stuff we probably don't need but have wanted for ages. We then head back to mine, watch  a film with a glass of champers, and then use everything we've bought during the day to get ready to go out for a meal at our favourite Chinese restaurant. We then went for drinks after but frankly we were so exhausted from the day that we had one drink in the bar and headed back to mine to fall into a deep sleep (after all we had no sleep for at least a week prior to results day with worry and dread). It's honestly one of my favourite days of the year.

3. My Mum's Birthday

Another highlight of August was my Mum's birthday. As her birthday fell on a Wednesday it meant that she had to go to work during the day but we all had a family gathering at my grandparents house in the evening which was lovely. It was really nice to see everyone and catch up over lots of birthday cake. No shame. For my Mum's birthday my Dad had planned to take her to London to see her favourite musical Les Miserables. The jealousy was real. I love Les Miserables and so I was very jealous that she was going to see it but also excited and happy for her as I knew she would love it. This is a lovely lead on to my next highlight.

4. I'm going to see Mamma Mia! in London

As a surprise treat for getting into University my parents have booked for us to go to London and see Mamma Mia. They landed me with this huge surprise right after I had told them I was in University on Thursday morning. So as you can imagine, I had just stopped crying tears of joy over getting into University and then started all over again when they told me we were going to see Mamma Mia. If you don't already know, I LOVE Mamma Mia. Well actually I love Meryl Streep but Mamma Mia is one of the best feel-good films ever and so I am so excited to see the west-end show. We are going next weekened which means it is sure to creep up in my September highlights.

5. University Shopping

So as soon as Kim and I knew we were both going to the same University we headed straight to Ikea to pick up some bits. We had such a nice day mooching and buying things and talking about University. Me and my Mum have gone shopping for things too a couple of times which I enjoyed. I just love buying homeware things! And don't even get me started on stationery shopping. Me and my Mum are also having a shopping day out tomorrow which will be nice. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with her before I move out because I know I'll miss her a lot.

So there are my August highlights. It has been such a crazy month but one I will never forget. I'm really looking forward to September, I have a weekend in London planned and obviously I move to University which will be scary and exciting. What have your highlights of the month been? 

Saturday, 1 August 2015

My Month Through Instagram: July 2015

1. Beautiful view of Kos walking along the beach| 2. Cocktails in town| 3. So many pretty flowers| 4. Ready for a night out in Kos Town| 5. More yummy cocktails| 6. Happy and ready for more lovely Greek food| 7. Kim picked a flower for me. How romantic| 8. A holiday isn't compete without a Palm-Tree shot| 9. One thing I did miss terrible when I was in Greece - a lovely cup of well-brewed tea| 10. Pretty flowers in my grandparents' garden| 11. Loving the sunny weather| 12. The coat of dreams from Zara| 14. Out for Dinner| 15. New cute notebooks make me happy| 16. New hair| 17. Saturday vibes| 18. New pretty eye shadows.

Firstly, can we all just take a moment to ask ourselves where the hell July went? HOW IS IT AUGUST ALREADY?

Rants about the speedy progression of time aside, as you can probably tell my month got off to a lovely start - my best friend and I jetted off to Kos for our first holiday together. It was so so nice to just spend a week lounging by the pool, soaking up the Kos sunshine and sipping on cocktails - it was definitely what we both needed after months and months of exams and stress. However, like all good things it came to and end pretty swiftly and now it feels like it was months ago. I find it really hard to believe that we were there just at the beginning of this month - crazy. Other highlights of my month include new buys such as my beautiful new lace coat from Zara, some eye shadows from Makeup Revolution, a new pair of cat-eye sunglasses that I simply adore, and a new notebook that I probably didn't need but just had to buy; I'm such a sucker for cute stationery. If you don't already follow me on Instagram, you can here, and keep up-to-date on all of my new purchases (that I really shouldn't be buying) and also probably a lot of selfies and pictures of tea. Hashtag no shame. 

Andddd, with the end of July comes the beginning of August, which means I am now officially in the month where I get my A Level results and find out if I'm into University or not - so not a big deal at all. I also have my mom's birthday this month so that should be nice. 

What have been your highlights during July? Have you got any exciting plans for August?