So I have just set up my very first blog, very much thanks to Jemma. I am officially a participant in the blogging world. I can tell its going to take me a while to figure out what to do and how to do it, but I've had so much help from Jemma. She's been so generous, helping with my layout and telling me everything I need to know.
My first few posts are just going to be general ones as I'm trying to get to know how to use the blog. But once I have got the hang of it, my posts will develop in interest I hope.
I'm mainly going to use my blog to show purchases, things I love, mainly just blog about products and what I find does the trick and what doesn't.
Probably wont blog every day, maybe two or three times a week as I am currently very busy with revision for exams, so it probably wasn't the best time to start a blog but never mind.
Good luck with your blog! I have only just started out too and it's quite scary but i'm slowly getting use to using blogger and actually blogging. Love the design of your site by the way, and I've started following you :)
Aw thank you! I made the new years resolution to get into blogging but with january exams i just havent had the time. Hopefully now, with them out to way, i can make a start. Will be sure to check out your blog :) x